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2011 February
Council on Aging
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Wednesday, February 16, 2011, 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Parks and Recreation Department, 5 Broad St.
Members Present:        Chairwoman Pat Donahue, Elaine Heredeen, Pamela Greaves, Dolores Nangle, Donna                          Clifford, Alice Williams
Members Absent: Domingo Alvarez, Jane Sarnowski, Joan Lovely
Others Present: Doug Bollen, Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services and Bill Woolley,                             Assistant Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Service
Recorder:               Stacy Kilb

Chairwoman Donahue calls the meeting to order at 6:35 PM.

~~~~A vote will be taken to waive the reading of (or read) and accept (or amend) the Minutes of ~~
~~~~~The previous meeting held on Wednesday, December 15, 2010.

A motion to accept is made by Elaine Heredeen, seconded by Pamela Greaves and passes unanimously.

The Chairwoman asks if it has been determined that the Mayor will appoint the representative to NS Elders and asks if it should be changed in the bylaws.  The mayor will determine this, and it should be change.  The relevant article is 4, #5.  

Kay Walsh is now representing us along with Patricia Cornacchio, and Pat says again that they should come before the Council on Aging so they can be more informed.  

Joan Lovely had requested an update of phone numbers, mail and email addresses; that has been done.  

Bill Woolley reports that a First aid policy draft has been put together and will be presented.  

Parks and Recreation received an FCC license to operate the radios for its transportation program.  There was a mix-up with equipment at the hospital roof, which lead to the acquisition of the license for the frequency they use, which is a new one.  The old one was being used by 2 other people, one of whom did not want them to use that frequency.  The new one is a business-band frequency, narrow-band.  They are now replacing radios and upgrading equipment to be in compliance with new regulations which will be in effect Jan. 1, 2013.  Our license expires in 2021, 10 years from now.  
The COA also received a $2500 grant for Lifesaver equipment for 5 income-eligible people, either senior citizens or children, people who could wander and become disoriented.

Woolley says there are 2 senior citizens who have moved into new subsidized housing, who were formerly living with relatives, and neither have any furniture.  He asks if anyone has anything to donate or sell; they are small apartments.   PD asks about Veann Campbell's food pantry's free furniture.  

They are working on PowerPoint presentations to represent the Department, including the COA. PD comments that they could have drawings of the new senior center, etc.  Woolley says that at the new building they should be able to make more presentations.   He was invited to speak at Salem State for a civic engagement series about the Latino outreach program.  He outlines how Salem state students have helped the Council on Aging in the past.  They discuss the Fiesta nights of years past.  

Woolley comments that there is a conversion on the billing process from Verizon to a Commonwealth of Mass. phone plan; they are saving a lot of money.  

Doug Bollen reports: The spring/summer booklet is being prepared to be delivered in 5 weeks.  There was a Valentine’s Day party yesterday.  Bollen points out that the booklet is NOT paid for out of taxes.  They do two per year.  He describes the process of evolution for the booklet.  

RE: writer's group: Linda Conrad is returning to lead the writer’s group, and the Department just hired a new dance instructor, Diane Star, to replace Doris.  The 1st  class was on Feb. 14th, and 30 seniors attended.  Diane teaches line dance classes on Mondays.  

The Department received their second payment of $25K from the state formula grant.  The funds on the sheet must last through this fiscal year, which ends on June 30.  

Snow shoveling is discussed.  
37 people asked for it this year, up from 21 last year.  People often don’t understand that the Department only serves as a liaison and does not set rates.  Their function is to connect residents with shovelers, then the residents themselves negotiate rates.  Donna Clifford points out that Honors students must perform community service and asks if shoveling could be such a project for them.

- New Senior Center
Bollen reports on the design meeting.  They are still meeting monthly to pick out furniture and colors.  The big issue is having a fundraising campaign as they need $750K but only have $400K for this.  Breaking ground will happen in early spring and the Center will be completed 16 months after that.  PD asks Pat Liberti if someone on the Friends does fundraising; Ms. Liberti says not directly.  Jason and Joan were supposed to meet with the Mayor and form a committee.  The Friends group did a recent mailing.  PD says it would be nice if the PEM would host a get-together to benefit the Senior Center.   Another meeting will be held on Feb. 28th.  

-Activities, Transportation, Social Service & Nutrition update
Robbie George each year donates about a dozen Poinsettias; this year he also donated some turkey dinners. The Freemasons of Salem, Peter LaChapelle, donated (50)-$25 Market Basket Gift Certificates.  Both are recognized and thanked.  Bollen also recognizes those who have passed away, including Arleen Moon and line dancing teacher Doris Burke.  

Kay Walsh took a 3-year term on North Shore Elder Services after serving 13 years on their board; now our members there are Jay Walsh and Patricia Cornacchio.


Nov. 2009
Nov. 2010
Nutrition –Meals on Wheels
Congregate Meals
Social Services - 60+
319 served 457 times
338 served 467 times
Social Services - Under 60
12 served 19 times
17 served 30 times
Dec. 2009
Dec. 2010
Nutrition Meals on Wheels
Social Services - 60+
344 served 472 times
326 served 433 times
Social Services - Under 60
16 served 27 times
18 served 21 times
January 2010
January 2011
Nutrition Meals on Wheels
1665 (decrease due to snow days
Social Services - 60+
274 serviced 454 times
262 serviced 374 times
Social Services - Under 60
11 serviced 11 times
16 serviced 20 times

Other Interesting Statistics
From Social Services
Since September 1, 48 Fuel Assistance Applications completed
Since November 15 86 seniors have received health insurance counseling
Since November 1, 61 seniors received general information on many issue

The definition of “duplicated” is discussed.  Measurable outcomes are key and duplicated vs. unduplicated offers a baseline for assessment.  This tells how many people are getting how many services.  If someone gets a ride every day, that is one unduplicated person getting about 400 rides.  A duplicated person is the number of times they do something, for example, 1 person doing something multiple times.  People cannot be duplicated; the activities they do CAN be duplicated.  So, unduplicated = the physical number of people, duplicated = the activities they do.   .  

The Saltonstall School has reached out to and is doing an intergenerational group here on Friday mornings; they work on craft projects.

The Valentine’s Day party had 103 people attend.  The volunteer party at will be held on April 11th at the Senior Center.  The next Fiesta will be in April but before that will be the St. Patrick’s Day party in March.
There was customer service training for staff.

The budget was received last week; they are requesting a level-funded budget; usually they ask for level and 5 and 10% cuts, which would mean layoffs and massive reorganization.  This is not final and outside factors may influence it, but they would like to stay level funded.  Federal Community Block Development Grants may get cut, which would affect the whole city.   There may not be any new projects this year if that happens.  Upcoming budgets are for FY'12, which starts in July.  They have done mid-year cuts in the past and hopefully will not do it again.  

Bollen received a letter from Leo Jodoin, founder of Salem Senior Recognition Days. There used to be an event going on every day the week of that event. Bollen reads the letter out loud to the Commission.  They are disbanding the nonprofit organization that is the Recognition Days due to economic troubles; last year was their last year.   All assets will be turned over to the Friends of COA.  They are looking for alternatives to continue some programs and would like the Friends to help out.  PD suggests that they don't have to do something every day; perhaps just a few big events like the dance at Knights of Columbus.  Pat Liberti, VP of the Friends group, summarizes how they disbanded and transferred funds to Friends group.  

Files of Life program was funded by the Friends of the COA and are being ordered.  This is a magnetic pack with medical information that goes on the fridge.  



Pat Libertie and Bob Paul are here.  Bob Paul will be a member of Friends.  Ms. Liberti says she will do annual appeal letter at the end of May; she is hoping to do better than they did last year due to upcoming expenses.  The Friends added a bylaw that any organization that wants a donation must come to the COA before the Friends.  PD says that in rewriting the BOD North Shore bylaws she wonders if she should have a committee write it or if she and Elaine will be the committee. The “Reviewing the Bylaws Committee” is to present at the March 16th meeting.

8. ~NEXT BOARD MEETING will be on Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Elaine motions to adjourn, Dolores seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.

The meeting ends at 7:37PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Stacy Kilb
Clerk, Salem Council on Aging